| Type | Work | Possible Grade |
| - | - | - |
| Individual | [MCQ Test 4](https://taykimmy.github.io/VSCodeProject/markdown/week%2028/2023/04/02/MCQ-4.html) | 0.6 |
| Individual | [Hashmaps + Tayl…
# SCORE 4.5/5
GH pages Link: https://akprathipati.github.io/individualgit/
Github Pages 1/1
- Neatly organized and links to materials
Study plan for week, due EOD Monday 1/1
- Study Plan topi…
| Type | Work | Points |
| Individual | [MCQ Test #4](https://soham360.github.io/csp-fastpages/week%2028/2023/03/31/MCQ4-Reflection.html) | 0.6 |
| Individual | [Parallel Computing](https:/…
## GH Indi Page, Review Ticket, Crossover graded
- MCQ [results ](https://avabrooks.github.io/avarepository/corrections)> 50%, (1 or 0)
- FRQs results: didn't have to do(non test taker)
- [Ticke…
**CROSSOVER SCORE: 4.25/4.5**
**GRADED BY: Shekar**
- how the team did in this activity (0, .5, .75, 1)
- how the individual did in this activity (-1, .5, .75, 1)
- GH Indi Page, Review T…
1. Attendance, tutorial makeup if missing time, activity, individual questions, work habits, tutorial if behind.
- Attended class everyday this week so far
- Attended tutorial on Monday to discuss…
- [ ] Attendance, tutorial makeup if missing time, activity, individual questions, work habits, tutorial if behind.
- [ ] Individual Runtime review on About Page progress/quality.
- [ ] Individual A…