if I design a 3D model myself, do I need to follow the topology of the face landmark of mediapipe?
So I would love to use the mediapipe face mesh sop to overlay rendered face masks a la instagram with my face, but I cannot get the camera to align (I am using the face mesh TOP and face mesh SOP and …
Thanks to the livelink method you shared, I want to send the pose matrix of the body, but I don't know the pose format name that Livelink's bones need
can you make this use yolov8 pose https://docs.ultralytics.com/tasks/pose
@AmitMY I have a little confusion understanding the flow of this process.
Why do we need to convert each text into the gloss, because, at the next step, you are using the gloss to find its relevan…
In addition to the SkeletonPoseViewer and HumanPoseViewer, support an AvatarPoseViewer.
we have a usb camera attached to the dev board running this git, and it give us the following error:
Unable to get ProcessCameraProvider:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: androidx.ca…
I referenced the source code of [FaceBlendShapesGraph](https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/master/mediapipe/tasks/cc/vision/face_landmarker/face_blendshapes_graph.cc) and put it into a "legacy" s…
Extend Lhotse to support video features for tasks such as sign language recognition (e.g., [How2Sign](https://how2sign.github.io/)) and human activity recognition. This enhancement will be useful for …