Crash Report
This crash report was reported through the automatic crash reporting system 🤖
```Python traceback
at org.electroncash.electroncash3.ListFragment…
A way to export Mensa feed as xml, json or something to use later, needs to include all allergens and prices
Preferably in the openmensa feed format
As a user I want some default cities set up, under the category mensa, to easly navigate to a diffrent predefined city.
The current built of the Docker-Image is very time-consuming, because all the *scrape-jobs (date-scraper, room-distances, course-downloader, spo-parser)* are running during the built time. This is def…
Unter den Newsletter-Einstellungen unter der temporären Deaktivierung ist es möglich bei dem Datepicker vergangene Daten auszuwählen. Das kann nach meiner intensiven Recherche in diesem Repository zu …
The text size depends on the sclaing factor, while the mensa widget does not leading to the text being nicely alligned when there is a high scaling factor. We need the max line number to be dependent …
Model I am using (UniLM, MiniLM, LayoutLM ...): BEIT-3
I want to evaluate BEiT-3 finetuned model on VQAv2.
### User Story
**As a** user **I want to** access the Mensa Widget via the toolbar, by clicking on an icon, **to** quickly open the widget.
### Development Goals
- [ ] Implementation
- [ ] Testing
Fare riferimento agli artefatti in questione.
SDD, Database SQL (r1863)
Descrivere dettagliatamente il problema.
Tra ER e base dati SQL vi sono delle incongruenze, inoltre molti campi del