this has been mentioned quite a lot recently.
* [mobilenet](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.04861.pdf)
mobilenet does a better job on describing depthwise separable convolution.
* [xception](https:…
could you help with outdated ocr_text_detection on coral:
i tried to adopt it but sank:
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal
depthai-python/examples$ ./install_requirem…
@AlexeyAB , Hi,
I fine tuned the Yolo v3 Tiny weights with 6000+ image dataset, and changed the number of filters as per my required number of classes (80 classes reduced to 20). Then I transforme…
My device cannot train the model in ImageNet due to insufficient GPU performance. Could you provide a caffemodel and deployment file that combines mobilev2 and yolov3,please?
Extremely grateful!
My …
Its no doubt that there are a lot of computations that it needs to do to detect the objects, however having said that is there a way that we can better the performance? I know we can reduce the frame …
Multiscale training
mAP Evaluation
I really need these options for v2 ,so i want to know when exactly these options will be ready?
i wanted to use the jetson nano for inference, simply testing with object-detection tutorial an discoverd that the normal tensorflow-models dont work. do you have any experience or hint how to us…
ozett updated
4 years ago
i m using openvino 20.04 version.
& also able to inference ,but fps im getting is 1-3. so why its low,
my goal of using openvino to get high fps on cpu,but itts giving very less fps, is there any…
Hi community,
I have tried to run a simple demo but, model conversion is failed as following:
```bchoi@firefly:~/work/rknn_model_zoo/examples/yolov5/python$ python3 convert.py ../model/yolov5s_…