It would be good if we can include a unit testing framework like gtest or doctest so we can test code on the fly. I think the easiest way is to follow Okapi's mocking api and add more unit tests above…
**Which version of Kotest are you using**
**Which version of mockk are you using**
Steps to reproduce:
Creating an object which will be mocked for some tests:
Hi @luzuojin, the plugin does not appear to support gradle projects.
Example: Maven project - [redis/jedis: Redis Java client (github.com)](https://github.com/redis/jedis) works
In the following code :
SUnit, in the [Feathers' Rules for Unit tests](https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/UpdatedPharoByExample/blob/f0b13888e759a6fb0d214699e27b87a270d35697/SUnit/SUnit.pillar#L807) section, we menti…
Version 0.3 is about **Evolution**, we hope to improve DX and productivity by converting it from a micro-framework into `rails`/`phoenix` like framework. And this is the first step:
- [ ] A cargo t…
While there exist other libraries already capable of doing this, it might be nice to also provide that functionality here to not force the user to find yet another mocking framework on top of `faux`.
nrxus updated
3 years ago
Mocking out dependencies is essential when unit testing. Without a DI framework, a custom module loader leveraging [vm.runInNewContext](http://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/vm.html#vm.runInNewContext) ca…
A mocking framework is needed for this boilerplate to be complete, http://sinonjs.org/ is very popular
This seems to be a great mocking framework for writing an API wrapper against. Could you possibly push this to a maven repository so it can be pulled into other projects easily?