Hi again,
I am trying to stream a .mp4 to a remote public server without any luck. The server is not receiving anything on the 8888 port while I try to stream. Here is the code I am using:
I'm interested to use this library with a long mpegts streaming (rather than segmented one, as in HLS).
I guess I have to follow this spec:
Hope you are doing well and keeping safe.
I would like appreciate your efforts and also want to request you to please add more MPEGTS options for metadata ( Service name, Provider).
your picam looks very nice.
Do you think it would be possible to change easly the input?
Idea is not to use the Camera, using tvheadend would be nice (you can get mpegts direct from tvheadend)
### Operating System Info
Windows 10
### Other OS
_No response_
### OBS Studio Version
### OBS Studio Version (Other)
_No response_
### OBS Studio Log URL
how to use scte-35 markers in shaka-packager?
- 需求
- [x] 支持webrtc(WHIP/WHEP)
- [ ] 支持 kcp 连接
- [x] srt 推/拉流
- [ ] 支持 quic 连接
- [ ] 集成web播放器,比如mpegts.js
- [ ] #19
- 正在推进
- [ ] opus音频
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I usually happen after excute `./nginx -s reload`
I am unable record video using idb command
idb record video Record_MP4
db video-stream --fps 30 --format h264 --compression-quality 1.0 --udid xxxxx011d | ffmpeg -f h264 -i pipe:0 -vcodec co…
### Please describe your bug
Live TV recorded via HDHomeRun results in a mpeg2 ts file. Playing this back on a Roku Ultra with the mpeg2 codec enabled now results in direct playback (no transcoding),…