My bot uses DDP connection to connect to RocketChat server and does not expose an endpoint for verification. When I make use of map-node, everything goes well until the verification step when I get
Some folks (https://github.com/microsoft/mup) want to attach some metadata to Parameters in nn.Module. I realize we don't have an idiom for creating an nn.Module with some user-defined subclass (but I…
Mup version (`mup --version`): 1.4.5
Mup config
buildLocation: '../../output'
Output of command
=> Archiving failed: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/x/y/output/…
pg_probackup завис во время выполнения полного бэкапа, с максимальной загрузкой всех доступных ядер. Статус текущего бэкапа "DONE". Бэкап производится на CIFS.
Однако при попытке провалидировать бэка…
When doing my first deploy, it took ages in the "Waiting for Beanstalk environment to finish terminated" stage, and finally I got this error message:
Finishing upload. This could take a coup…
When I run mup deploy, I get back this:
$ mup deploy
## Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments
“ Checkout Kadira!
It's the best way to monitor performance of your app.
Visit: https://k…
hudat updated
8 years ago
I'm POC on the Vulcan framework further and trying to setup the deployment with MUP and deploy the example-forum to one of the testing server in digital-ocean which i expected it should plen…
ghost updated
6 years ago
Mup version (`mup --version`): 1.5.5
I am running the **mup deploy** as usual on Macbook M1 chip (Meteor 2.5.1 or 2.5.2-betas with Apple M1 chip support)
But I am receiving this error me…
I think leaving %sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL in the sudoers can be a security hole. Ubuntu websites don't recommend it. I searched for alternate ways of making mup work and information from…