Not sure if this is in the works or not. will you add trakt scrobbling support to the plugin?
Rather than making a million issues for an alpha dev build, Let's use this for a while.
A list of errors I've received on refactor:
- [x] SmallWebClient.cs:line 35
- [x] Error converting value {nul…
quoted from last saturday "Nakamori is ready. @maxpiva after testing nakamori thoroughly over the past several hours, groups are missing: Years, Titles, Rating, Cast, Tags, and Air Date (OriginallyAva…
First, I will point out that most of these are on the server end, but they apply here
- [x] Episode Type menu has no icons
- [x] Some filters don't have art, Movies, Years, Tags
- [x] Episodes ar…
Currently, for filters, it gives the whole group, rather than what matches.
23:59:47 T:14304 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.nakamori/?filename=4&mode=7&name=-continue-&poster_file=3&url=%26offset%3d11
should it look
Kodi 17 krypton Skin Estouchy
Android 5.1
JMM Server both and
Nakamori 2.0.10
Only in one series Hitsugi no Chaika after episode ends there is no popup "Mark as watched", if I mark i…
Some skins like "mnemic" use fanart instead of icon.
Would be great to have one :-)
Dexil provided log that show that JMM return XML with both commas and dots as rating seperators
This is in