We're seeing below runtime exception for an executable building with NET5.0 target framework referencing LiteDB 5.0.11 nuget package. Does LiteDB support NET5.0 target framework?
I have a Standard Library, which depends on TcOpen internally.
I have a normal Project, where include TcOpen (compiler with net5.0 Library Project and 5.0 Blazor)
As soon as i include my own Libr…
The same file (672MB after decompression) takes a few seconds to read with net472 and tens of minutes with net5 or net6, with high CPU and memory usage.
I write a bunch of samples that I want to enable for developers to learn the product. TFMs are a limiting artifact when you want to enable a project to run on a newer runtime even though it targets an…
Visual Studio 16.8.2 / .NET 5.0
I'm trying to get a C++/CLI project to use the Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App framework (so that I can link with WPF). I have a runtimeconfig.template.json file in the…
Coverlet reports 50% condition-coverage for an if-condition that is only 25% covered.
## Environment
- TargetFramework net5.0 (or netcoreapp3.1)
- NUnit 3.13.2
- coverlet.collector 3.1.0
## S…
I find it useful to import DragonFruit into a test project so I can write a "test" to explore/demonstrate how to use DragonFruit. So:
1. Create a .Net Core 5.0 MSTest Project
2. Add `System.Comman…
:clipboard: **Description**
I'd like to see a badge displaying the dotnet version the repository or nuget package is using.
![dotnet version](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-net5.0-brightgr…
I've found following bug:
The DllScanningAssemlyFinder is scanning the Application's directory for dlls containing .serilog in its name. Later on the ConfigurationReader attempts to load the result…
- 目标框架: [e.g. .net452, .netcoreapp3.1, .net5-windows]
- 项目类型 [e.g. 控制台应用, ASP.NET Core API, Windows窗体应用]
- [e.g. ViewFaceCore 0.3.5]
- [e.g. ViewF…