Im using a M1 Mac, and I keep getting this error, are you planning in adding support soon for M1?
Could not find module 'ObjectMapper' for target 'arm64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: x86_64-apple-ios-…
We use the smartystreets SDK in our Android app, but are noticing the following issue when the app is built obfuscated with R8 and tries to invoke `client.send(lookup)`:
Non-fatal Exception: j…
I am geetting the following error:
Unexpected exception while formatting a request log: {request log's string representation here}
No serializer found for class com.linecorp.armeria.common.…
### Why do we need this improvement?
From the documentation https://www.asyncapi.com/docs/reference/specification/v3.0.0#channelBindingsObject - it appears that the Binding Object should be extenda…
### Search before asking
- [X] I searched in the [issues](https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind/issues) and found nothing similar.
### Describe the bug
I also rasied this as a [SO question]…
### Describe the bug
See reproducer here: https://github.com/andrewazores/quarkus-jackson-map-format
Using Jackson customization as per https://quarkus.io/guides/rest-json#json.
When using Qu…
# Cómo mapear json a objetos Java con Jackson ObjectMapper
Hoy vamos a hablar de cómo usar la librería *Jackson* para mapear fácilmente un *Json* a objetos Java.
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.MapFunction;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.DataSet;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.ExecutionEnvironment;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple2…
일반 API 호출시에 직렬화 처리과정과 json으로 처리했을 때의 과정 이 둘의 차이점
직렬화 대신에 json과 프로토콜버퍼를 사용해야되는 이유와 이점들이 무엇이 있는지 추가로 확인
I am using the following code to make a request to an endpoint fronted with an ALB.