Here are the few errors I noticed in chapter 2:
p50: "This becomes evidence" => "evident"
p52: In the conjungacy definition, the posterior is referred as y(theta|y), I think it should read…
PLMir updated
2 years ago
Ora2Pg v23.1
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/software/oracle-instant-client/instantclient_21_3 ora2pg -t COPY -o data.sql -b ./data -c ./config/ora2pg.conf
FATAL: ORA-00936: missing expression (DBD ERROR: err…
When executing the following command, ora2pg aborts with error message:
ora2pg -t COPY -c $CONFIG_FILE -b ${PROJECT_PATH}/data -o data.sql
[2022-03-30 14:08:01] Ora2Pg version: 23.1
ghost updated
2 years ago
## 가정
- 다양한 연극을 외주로 받아서 공연하는 극단이 있다고 해보자!
- 그 극단의 대여 비용을 측정해주는 프로그램
- 공연 요청이 들어오면 연극의 장르와 관객 규모로 비용을 책정
- 다음 공연비용을 할인 받을 수 있는 포인트 지급
I did a close read of the spec (version 21-056r5) and noticed some typos that you probably want to fix. I have some more general comments but in this issue I will focus on things that I'm pretty sure…
Actually if we choose EXPORT_SCHEMA 1
ora2pg will run a big sql query where username are "not in" the system users and those we have defined :
>ただし、C 言語ではゼロが false、非ゼロが true を意味するため、返り値の型は int 型としている
when i tried to run the example $ vina --receptor 5x72_receptor.pdbqt --ligand 5x72_ligand_p59.pdbqt 5x72_ligand_p69.pdbqt \
--config 5x72_receptor_vina_box.txt \
I would like to suggest the following enhancement to the above metioned plugin:
1) possibility to override the internal value of the encoder
(see https://www.letscontrolit.com/forum/viewtopic.p…
We are currently running the GLM models for each of the 3 time periods for a set of [5 test lakes](https://github.com/USGS-R/lake-temperature-model-prep/issues/254). As of right now, the driver data w…