## 🐛 Problem
This is in relation to the issue opened for https://github.com/microsoft/finops-toolkit/issues/702. The same customer has setup the new Rate Optimization report to work with the Cost Ma…
**Describe the bug**
I created an infographic using gifs to see if it was possible and while it works, it crashes Power BI when going to edit mode.
## Lab/Demo: Lab 19
Description of issue:
When trying to use a real time semantic model in a dashboard, the following error appears:
"This feature is no longer available - You can no longer creat…
Hello, I am trying to manipulate Power BI Measures using Tabular Editor 2. However, I've noticed that parentheses 'comes along' with these measures when saving my work and importing changes into Power…
Målet er å etablere en robust og skalerbar løsning for å få innsikt i, analysere og optimalisere Azure-kostnader. Ved å integrere Azure Cost Management med Power BI vil vi kunne visualisere kostnadsda…
### What is your question?
When leveraging the PowerBi report, it provides a ton of data, which is great, however, ROI data should NOT be taking into account development environments, this massively …
The final, production version of Power BI will be published at this URL -
It will be published by this date -
In order to publish a change to this live, production environment, one needs to:
- do
Projeto realizado com três dashboards 💯
Visual mapa 1: Soma de sales e unidades vendidas por país
Visual mapa 2: Soma de lucro (profit) por país
Visual de pizza: Lucro por segmento
![New CICD](https://github.com/maikvandergaag/msft-extensions/assets/133773038/39631a21-6ea9-4ec0-8ca6-2d1db7119eab)
1.Using Power bi Action tools we are trying to provide two Power bi dataset conn…