The program
> %default total
> %auto_implicits off
> n : Nat
> n = 80000
> %freeze n
> ns : List Nat
> ns = [1..n]
> postulate lemma : (m : Nat) -> 2 * (sum [1..m]) = m * (S m)
> q : 2 *…
Currently Oscar deals as follows with a matrix group `G` over the ring `R`.
- The generators of `G` are Oscar matrices, `G` itself stores a map `G.ring_iso` that maps elements of `R` to a correspo…
For the following EBU-TT-D file [untertitel-36573.xml](https://github.com/sandflow/imscJS/files/3496169/untertitel-36573.xml.txt) (please rename to .xml), the resulting ISD timecodes are in some cases…
Over in https://github.com/tlycken/Interpolations.jl/pull/36#issuecomment-106895591 and https://github.com/tlycken/Interpolations.jl/pull/37 it was discovered that doing computations with `Rational` i…
## Simple Summary
Add 'bigmath' functions which make it easier for contract authors to do more precise arithmetic.
## Abstract
Add functions for dealing more precisely with overflow and underflow…
Related to https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/issues/55
Should it be implemented on top of BigInts or some better approach is possible?
> Ratio will be trickier to deal with precision, becau…
Latest versions of LVM and Trealla Prolog implement a `function_property/2` built-in predicate, which provides similar functionality to the de facto standard `predicate_property/2` built-in predicate,…
This is a meta-ticket about piecewise functions.
Fractional part, modulo, ...:
- #9935: Make a symbolic mod function
- #21232: Fractional part function {x}
- #21274: frac(x) immediate simplificatio…
The saturation of an ideal in `F(t)[x,y]` for `F = QQ(a)` a simple number field could be faster.
The following computation terminates in Magma in
Total time: 85.219 seconds, Total memory usage: 64…