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I'm encountering a segfault while training on the Toronto Book Corpus.
For training I'm using:
`./fasttext sent2vec -input ../input.txt -output my_model -minCount 5 -dim 700 -epoch 12 -lr 0.2 -wordN…
If Homebrew was updated on Aug 10-11th 2016 and `brew update` always says `Already up-to-date.` you need to run: `cd "$(brew --repo)" && git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master && brew update`.
Copied verbatim from the Bika Water tracker, should somebody be targeting this area
Much confusion was generated by the Email option as all of the CSV and PDF etc. are also sent by email. As a publ…
3 times I've tried that, 3 times server was crashing.
From what i read, I think the idea is to use a personalized monitoring system to help doctors and nurses to regulate the dosage of anticoagulant drug for patients exposed to blood clot risk.
Why that looks like a mighty packed choke there, don't it Johnny?
I'm getting these errors, while my box upgrades itself at 4 AM using `unattended-upgrades`.
There are some related tickets: #703, #336 and Trac issue [#3030](http://flexget.com/ticket/3030) - finally…
I'd like to know if there is a way to do the nestRemoting on a model's remote method.
I am using the paginate mixin : https://github.com/fullcube/loopback-ds-paginate-mixin for a client model