When I try to run rake db:migrate or rake db:seed during installation I get an error message saying "rake aborted! Factory already registered: user".
Can anyone help me with this?
The project currently has no tests. Before Milestone 0.1.0 is hit, we should have tests will full coverage.
got the following error with Rpsec 2.10.0 :
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/webmock-1.8.6/lib/webmock/rspec.rb:33:in `': uninitialized constant RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError (N…
Adding the line:
--order random
to `.rpsec` causes the specs to fail.
Use case: I work on a project that was using flexmock and test/unit with Shoulda and using RSpec's test/unit interoperability we have been able to maintain our previous test coverage, slowly convert o…
Lots of ppl talk about the speed improvement of the new rspec version, we should consider bumping to newer version
Thanks for writing rspec-fire
With the addition of constant stubbing to rspec-mocks(http://myronmars.to/n/dev-blog/2012/06/constant-stubbing-in-rspec-2-11), I would like to start the conversation abo…
According to http://travis-ci.org/#!/rspec/rspec-expectations/jobs/497001/L36, Bunder is reporting that Rubygems is reporting a validation error on the rspec-expectations gemspec:
I'm noticing that the unique keys used to identify jobs are not being removed when running rspec in my app for things that are using resque. I've turned on inline jobs for rspec, which is not supposed…
Working through some unit tests today I came across an issue if you attempt to validate content type supplying only `allowing` OR `rejecting` and not both:
should validate_attachment_content_type…