Coming from RxSwift, I found this behaviour weird. I'd expect ReactiveProperty to emit value whenever a value is set (regardless of whether it's the same value as before).
I believe this especiall…
## UI에서 좀 더 잘 쓸 수 없을까?
### Subject(on RxSwift)
- onNext, onError, onCompleted를 전달할 수 있음
### Relay(on RxCocoa)
- Subject를 Wrapping, 종류는 PublishRelay, BehaviorRelay 2종류가 있음
- UI에 특화(error, comp…
I'm stuck to update to Firebase Auth 7.0. Do you plan to support it soon?
RxSwift is, at the moment, in 6.0.0-rc.1, add its support in the same time please ;)
Hi Gordon,
I get the same issue as mentioned here: https://github.com/gordontucker/FittedSheets/issues/215, but I use Xcode 16.
I run
pod update FittedSheets
but it doesn't help as…
# Observable의 생명주기
### Observable은 세 가지 이벤트를 발생시킬 있다
.next: 새로운 값을 방출할 때 발생하는 이벤트.
.completed: Observable이 성공적으로 종료되었을 때 발생하는 이벤트.
.error: Observable에서 에러가 발생했을 때 발생하는 이벤트.
Observable 생성하기
**Describe the bug**
Getting compilation errors while trying to build RxBluetoothKit with Swift 5.1
error: module compiled with Swift 5.0.1 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.1 compiler:
**To Repr…
With release of RxSwift 5.0 Relays have been moved to separate framework `RxRelay`, which means that now you can use them without `RxCocoa`.
Are there plans to support `RxRelay` and replace `StateR…
**Short description of the issue**:
`MainScheduler`'s `DispatchQueue.isMain` contains `false` on binding to `BehaviorRelay` in context of `UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource`'s cellForRow function,…
Hello @GeekTree0101
I'm using Carthage on my project (for build performance reasons).
I noticed that while both `RxSwift` and `Texture` are supporting Carthage, `RxCocoa-Texture` isn't.
Would i…