In the [library page](https://www.scala-js.org/libraries/libs.html) both [scalajs-java-time](https://github.com/scala-js/scala-js-java-time) and [scala-java-time](https://github.com/cquiroz/scala-java…
This occurs when I add a bit of custom code to the plain scalajs example. See also the [issue for sbt](https://github.com/scala-js/scala-js/issues/2576).
I assume this indicates the plugin needs to…
Hi. I'm having some strange errors similar to what has been reported in this react vite plugin https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/5438.
I'm not confident that it's not me doing something wrong t…
### Input
``` scala
class Field {}
class Abc {
def p: (Field, Map[String, String]) = (null, null)
### Output
[error] Couldn't derive type uni.Abc
[error] read[uni.Abc]("")
Ideas from TL submission:
- expose more functionality from the Java SDK
- add support for server-side ScalaJS, backed by the Javascript server SDK
- add support for client-side ScalaJS
- introdu…
This is what i am looking for before! Have you thought about integrate lift+scalajs-react ?
If ESModule is enabled, Scala.js + Selenium can't complete tests because loading main.js failed due to CORS policy violation:
I get this warning during import of the sbt files:
3:10:19 PM SBT project import
The following source roots are outside of the corresponding base directories:
The issue appears to be in the slogging-winston:
val winston = Dynamic.global.require("winston")
Under webpack, winston will not load under the global variable.
When using union types, one must cast to js.Any, e.g.:
``` scala
case class Pie(padding: js.UndefOr[Double | Shape] = js.undefined) {
def toJs = {
val p = js.Dynamic.literal()