Hi Chee Seng,
In 3.1.0, I'd like to rename many classes and traits to make way for modularization of ScalaTest down the road. The reason we need to rename is that modularization should be done by p…
According to the official document of scalatest + scalacheck integration:
The only bay to specify randomisation seed is through sbt:
Hi there I am runing Play 2.6.5 and play-slick 3.0.1. When I run my inetgration tests I am getting the following exception. (Reverting back to 3.0.0 stops it)
A needed class was not found. Thi…
We have a couple of tests which have asserts within the 'should' matcher. While trying to upgrade to scalatest 3.0.1 (from 2.2.6) we are seeing some compile errors. Here's a simplified example:
I tried to use `escapeMarkup` setting in order to compose a template from other templates, but seems it does not work at all. Here is a code which I used:
import org.fusesource.scala…
When mixing in **Retries** trait to the suite and test initially fails, but passes after retry, there is no original failure message in html report due to which retry was done.
The only info prese…
Hi Peter,
I'd like to take the time to refactor the tests of ScalaTest's different testing styles so that it is easier to manage. These grew organically over time, and we didn't always take the tim…
I failed to load a pytorch model at the model.evaluate() step and it shows that file data.pkl not found.
I run the code on Linux Ubuntu 18.04.5 , with IDEA 2017.2; python version is 3.7 with pytorch=…
[info] A R2DBC projection with eventsBySlices source and publish-events (dialect sqlserver)…
Hi ,
I wrote:
// a complete declaration
val anInt: scala.Int = 0;
assert(anInt.isInstanceOf[scala.Int]) // working fine
anInt shouldBe an [scala.Int] // is …