#### Description 🔍
Main current feature of our app in which we will do basic sentimental analysis on an individual tweet and return a numeric value that tells us what emotion the tweet is conveying…
tested on 33 urls. results and observations captured to draw out actions with the team
To perform sentiment analysis on product reviews, we must provide the link to the reviews page of the product to the application.
For example:
Product Review Link:
**System Information (please complete the following information):**
- Model Builder Version:
- Visual Studio Version 16.7.2
**Describe the bug**
When I tried to perform a binary text classifi…
#7 Integration of web scrapping output and Sentimental analysis tool.
## Output format.
The comment needs to be scrapped from the web page and stored in csv file.
The csv file is fed as input t…
# Create a Framework to grep all the comments in amazon product link.
## Input File:
URL text file which contains the URL of the product from which the comments needs to be grepped for sentiment…
Sentimental analysis needs to be fixed to align with the new data structure
Where are the sources for the data mentioned in the sentimental analysis component?Can you please give a brief on that?
Hello Amaya
I am trying to use Ktrain to develop the NLP for sentimental analysis. However, my data has a high-class imbalance. I would like to know if is possible during training to extract only …