JAR databasen kaldes stadig med Queries som indeholder Index Hints. Disse må komme fra koden.
Disse skal fjernes lige som det er udført fra [https://jar-cowi.atlassian.net/browse/JAR-1693](https://ja…
When SQL-compatible null handling is enabled, filters that internally use `Filters.makeValueMatcher` with a predicate factory do not handle null values from long columns correctly.
Instead of apply…
I wanna switch from MySQL 8.0 to MariaDB 10.6 but its not possible with version 4 of laravel-mysql-spatial.
We are a big user of the sqlite plugin with the [Trailforks app](https://www.trailforks.com/apps/map/). We do a lot of spatial queries and are very limited to what we can do with normal SQL.
Any po…
Ik probeer dit systeem aan de praat te krijgen op ubuntu 12.04, maar vooralsnog zonder succes. Graag worrd ik wat verder geholpen.
Alvast bedankt,
Rik van der Helm
hhs hollands noorderkwartie…
Trying to build an iOS-targeting Xamarin.Forms project (as created by the cross-platform template wizard) that references (directly or indirectly) the Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Core package (tested w…
Users can submit samples with complex geometries which are received by the warehouse as a geometry collection. A geometry collection doesn't support PostGIS functions such as ST_Intersection. This has…
Official package name: PostGIS
License (must be an OSI approved Open Source license): PostGIS is released under the GNU General Public License (GPLv2 or later).
Download URL of latest release: h…
## Help! geoalchemy2 support!
class CoordinateMixin():
location = db.Column('location', Geography(geometry_type='POINT' ,srid=4326, spatial_index=True, dimension=2), doc='gps coordinate…