After scrolling tips (clicking Next tip) for a few times, extra tips appeared, some of them partly outside screen. See image.
Clicking Next tip made the extra dialogs disappear. Clicking Previous ti…
ursah updated
7 years ago
It is currently possible to link directly to specific markdown heading in notebook or to any HTML element with `id` property via the use of URL [fragment identifier](https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/intr…
Finance Counselor
Finance Counselor GPT: Expert Financial Advice and Market Insights (Educational Focus)
Finance C…
Inspired by issue an issue in the pangeo org: https://github.com/issues?q=440+user%3Apangeo-data
Should we ask people who regularly/once plan to use mybinder.org for a workshop/tutorial/course for …
Given the recent discussion about BTC integration, it would actually be nice to have some kind of vote mechanism within the protocol.
There are probably a few ways how this could be done:
**Method 1…
dexX7 updated
10 years ago
`fromDistinctAscList [a,b..c]` takes time proportional to the number of elements. We should be able to write a specialized function that does better when `b-a` is less than 58 or so, and significantly…
The narrative text describes these as agencies. But the table column head says "Department". Which is this a list of?
You have both "agency" and "name" in the data.json file. Is this "department name…
In some situations where dynamic pages are generated based on the incoming URL, *and* links can be entered without a proper protocol, it's easy for some CMSs to generate infinite exploding URL trees. …