### Terraform Version
0.11.15 and up
### Description
I'd like to request instance_metadata_tags(https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2022/01/instance-tags-amazon-ec2-instance-metada…
### Terraform Version
### Description
Add "respectPdb" field for scheduled clusterRolls in `ocean_gke_import`
### Terraform Version
- `0.12.x`
- `1.x.x`
### Description
Spot has an [Organizations API](https://docs.spot.io/api/#tag/Organizations). Thus, it should be possible to manage users using Ter…
**What happened**:
I updated to v1.16.3. Specifically on `medium` instance size CPU usage by `aws-node` pod is maxed out
On a `t3.medium` (I have also seen this happen on a `c6g.medium`)
### What happened?
I have a working dockerfile at `../../x/y`
This works, but when I uncomment the `CacheFrom` argument, I get the following error
`could not open dockerfile at relative path Dock…
spotinst/ocean-controller/spotinst: 0.45.0, 0.46.0, 0.47.0
spotinst provider: 1.132.0
aws provider: 4.47.0
EKS: 1.25
After `2.1.40` it fails to import SpotinstSession, the same works perfectly until `2.1.39`.
The main error message is:
TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable
To reproduce use…
## Workflow Failure
[Upgrade bridge](https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-spotinst/blob/master/.github/workflows/upgrade-bridge.yml) has failed. See the list of failures below:
- [2023-10-14T02:54:20.00…
See https://github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-spotinst/actions/runs/5966165636
### Description
1. Login to the private registry with read-only credentials
2. Try to `docker manifest inspect` some image in the this registry
~ docker manifest inspect --verbo…