配置完全按照您说的进行,但是出现了Killed的情况是因为dataloader workers开多了还是?
I authenticate my myq app via google auth. Is this supported or do I need to re-configure the access to use simple username/password?
使用“CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 python3 train_ssd.py --save_interval 12000”训练时,只训练了一轮就停止,也没报错,请问是啥原因?结果显示如下:
@yunxuan01:~/CrossRectify-SSOD/SSD300$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,3 python3 train_ssd.py
Loading ba…
following https://github.com/ligang-cs/PseCo/issues/4
i'm using the mmdet provided the project. However, this error occurs.
Python: 3.6.13 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Jun 4 2021, 14:25:5…
I am training the SoftTeacher model with a custom dataset with a single GPU. I reduced the image scale to (512, 200) and (512, 400). I converted the dataset into a COCO format. I am using the config f…
when I do this:
`python demo/image_demo.py tmp/*.jpg configs/soft_teacher/soft_teacher_faster_rcnn_r50_caffe_fpn_coco_full_720k.py work_dirs/iter_720000.pth --output work_dirs/`
the error:
Thanks for your error report and we appreciate it a lot.
1. I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help.
2. I have read the [FAQ documentation](https://mmdetec…
### What is the problem this feature will solve?
support Vision Transformer Adapter for Dense Predictions
paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.08534.pdf
code: https://github.com/czczup/ViT-Adapter
Hi, binghui, thank you for sharing your work, I also work on ssod area, I found some differences between your work and other opensource ssod architecher, since the problem I will describe should be ve…