When given a set of students with the same GPA and preferences, reallocating and genera…
def get_name(nums:int=2)->list[str] ->程式不變
def generate_bmi(names:list[str])->list[BMI]: ->傳出的為list內有BMI的實體
## class的寫法
class BMI():
def __init__(self,name:str,height:int,weig…
### What happens?
When executing a SELECT IN query on a table with a primary key or indexed column, DuckDB does not appear to utilize the index, leading to poor performance due to a seq scan.
Students having trouble registering the ink
# Problem
Heading says locate students by **name**
Description says locate students by names and tags.
## Screenshot
![Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 4.57.52 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/…
On person's profile page, when you click on the 'Works By Students' tab, the corresponding result is not sorting by Year-Month descending.
Steps to re produce:
- Search for person in the search bar (…
It is not uncommon that a TA may teach more than one course, for example, CS1231S and CS2040S. Similarly, often students may attend more than one course.
## Expected:
1. Ability to add multiple cour…
Steps to reproduce
1. `add n/Sam p/98765432 g/male m/Physics`
2. `add n/Sam p/98765433 g/female m/Physics`
Disallowing students with identical names could be classified as a feature flaw as teachers …
[This issue is imported from pivotal - Originaly created at Jun 6, 2016 by Raoul Teeuwen](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/120938541)
As an institution I want to deny access to ‘pre-students…