wer den weltuntergang NICHT sieht, der liest die falschen nachrichten (blaue pillen)
welche news lese ich? also, wem glaube ich?
iceagefarmer @ telegram
archiv: https://mi…
Review of IA of Pittsburgh site to find any issues with IA, URLs and breadcrumbs.
## Description
Using a recent export of the pages with editor generated heading violations, we want to generate a list of unique editors responsible for those pages.
Using that list we will determ…
Label: 20133
- [508-defect-1 :exclamation: Launchblocker]
## Pop-ups needed for major changes
- [ ] s5-10 for CC & MM Learning Mode Popup when selecting module and elimination of "From Team Data" switch in the Experiment Section
# Update SIM UI SP Module Labels
The current labeling in the Sim UI is called "SP" or "Suicide Prevention." However, the module covers many scenarios that include Measurement Based Care (MBC) and …
we should consider placing an alert with information on the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on our Suicide data page. Supported by Madhuri
## QA Checklist
- [ ] Power BI exports team data file with appropriate name using _MTL_ convention.
- [ ] The xlsx file imports into Sim UI and Epicenter and updates the Team Data listing in the F…
## High Level User Story/ies
As a Veteran or VA employee, I need a way to report an incident of workplace harassment or assault which takes place at a VA facility so I can be assured that there is in…