After "cmake .." and "make", when I run "python correlation_tests.py ", it reports error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "correlation_tests.py", line 11, in
import correlation_lay…
I am attempting to install openmm-tensorflow and am getting a prompt in ccmake about the build type and the CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR.
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$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git tensorflow_src
$ cd tensorflow_src && ./tensorflow/lite/tools/make/download_dependencies.sh
Hey @floooh ,
Hope you are all well !
I am having a try with your interesting project because I wanted to manage more easily my cross-platform builds and stacks of c/c++ dependencies. While maki…
1. Framework: PyTorch
2. Framework version:
3. Horovod version:0.26.1
4. MPI version:
5. CUDA version: 11.1
6. NCCL version: nccl-local-repo-rhel7-2.8.4-cuda11.1-1.0-1.x86_64.rp…
Before I start creating the cpp client, one thing I want to make sure which is does tensorflow has to be installed in client side, say, some edge devices?
## Goal
* to be able to run a full simulatoin using a machine-learned potential
* The descriptor calculation and ML model evaluation shoudl happen direclty from the C++ core, to obtain good scaleabil…
1. Framework: TensorFlow
2. Framework version: 2.12.0
3. Horovod version: horovod-0.27.0
4. MPI version: openmpi-4.1.5
5. CUDA version: 11.8
6. NCCL version:
Hello, as the RedisAI team knows, [CrayLabs](https://github.com/CrayLabs) uses RedisAI within SmartSim. Currently we have a few issues that we figured would best be grouped together such that they can…
I was trying to make the tensorflow c extension, but I have a following error
[ 2%] Building NVCC (Device) object CMakeFiles/primitive_gen.dir/src/primitive_gen_generated_octree_pooling_op.cu.cc…