Whispers are being received incorrectly. The "Message" part in an onwhisper event appears to be the tags of the user.
**Actual behaviour:**
When receiving a whisper, user is the username, message i…
Didn't actually know this error existed but my hosting bot got stuck just now and I checked in my logs and had this NOTICE a couple of times last month as well. Seems quite rare, but would be nice t…
**Actual behaviour:**
After connecting to Connecting to irc-ws.chat.twitch.tv on port 80 and joining my channel i call
``` javascript
client.action('instak', 'this is my message').then(data =>{
**Actual behaviour:**
client.on('chat', function (channel, user, message, self) {});
On this event`s callback I receive multiple (doubled, tripled) messages.
**Expected behaviour:**
Only one messag…
1. Start with:
var client = new tmi.client({
options: {debug: false},
connection: {cluster: 'aws', timeout: 2000, reconnect: true},
channels: ['yamuda', 'sqmp']
1. …
**Actual behaviour:**
I'm about to write a bot twitch
I encounter a problem with tmi.js
The bot disconnects as soon as a message is sent with client.say
log level the message is sent but not o…
I get this warn when connecting to a channel:
warn: Channel #voyboy isn't or no longer located on this cluster.
warn: Read more: https://www.tmijs.org/forums/index.php?/topic/39-channel-specific-cha…
Read more: https://www.tmijs.org/forums/index.php?/topic/53-websocketsend-error/
If you are experiencing this issue, please provide the stacktrace and tmi.js version you are using.
**Actual behaviour:**
When someone says something in chat, the bot disconnects. I logged in as the bot user to check if it was somehow banned, and it wasn't. I can talk normally in any chat as the b…