Spatial predicates are hard and I think adding them in exercices can help. This is some "raw" ideas that can be explored. I need to find a data set to display "st_crosses".
``` r
## Load package …
In some counties condo and apartment parcels might be a stack of parcels with the same geometry. In Utah county, south of the Vineyard Connector Rd., there are good examples of this:
_Ran into some problems with lamassemble consensus generation with newly installed ConSeqUMI in Ubuntu. It sends the initial files to the cores specified but then errors after a few minutes:_
## Utah ng-bridge May 30, 2015
I'm pretty much just following @judytuna's lead... Let's do this!
This workshop's going to be amazing!! Here's what we need to do!
A few months out:
- [ ] Find a venue…
Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/utah-rust/events/262109363
Zoom meeting link: https://us04web.zoom.us/meeting/150676800
Utah Rust site link: -
## Current agenda
The venue will be the [Vivi…
A space to catalog all design & directional decisions for the Utah team.
I'm using CGAL 5.3.1 via a R library. When I run the advanced front surface reconstruction on a point cloud of the Utah teapot, this strange line appears:
Data information on Cache County Utah has been missing on the map for about 2 weeks now.