The integration discovered my Blue Smart Charger any idea how I can get the advertisement key its not in the app like the other devices.
Hi, I have found MK2 protocol document. Is there any MK3 document? Are they the same? Then, why change their names? Thanks
Observed on https://vrm.victronenergy.com/installation/491097/overview.
In the Inverter/Charger drilldown, click on an Inverter and observe it always has "AC Out L1" even if it is actually set to L…
you can use this test system:
There are no errors, so the count is wrong:
Hi ,
V0.1.5 is working with Home Assistant 2023.9.1 "THANK YOU!!!"
I noticed an issue with pulling the Tank sensor information, the value is correct by its not reading the unit correctly, its o…
I suggest to rotate both parameters (I do not know if that is possible), so, I would preffer:
### Describe the bug
When running [v1.4.20240928](https://github.com/mr-manuel/venus-os_dbus-serialbattery/releases/tag/v1.4.20240928), I regularly get segfaults in the python binary using a JKBMS vi…
ich wollte heute meinen Victron Stromzähler zur OpenWB Software hinzufügen, bekomme aber nur die Fehlermeldung:
('Failed to connect[ModbusTcpClient(]', 'Modbus-Clie…
Is it possible to have two independant custom CCL, when two virtual batteries installed?
"virtualBatteries": {
See below for how it looks for VE.Bus systems. On an RS system, no entry in the control pane shows up. What is fundamentaly different here is that for VE.Bus systems, ESS control goes via `com.victron…