I was about to use `midir`, but realised of a missing feature that it is very important, the ability to specify the timestamp in the future when the MIDI data has to be sent (see [this](https:/…
This is the nichest of niche interests, but I'd love a way on the web to use something like a [Wooting 60HE keyboard](https://wooting.io/wooting-60he), which is a 60% keyboard with fully analog keys.
I think this needs to be cleaned up a lot in our code.
The idea is that a Dot represents an AudioNode, but a Dot **is not** an AudioNode. Our code should work with dot definitions, and those definiti…
The code in `compiler.js` currently doesn't handle modules, so we can't really use them in projects. To implement this, we should implement inlining, basically transforming the incoming graph until it…
[Web API](https://www.w3.org/TR/)的发展日新月异,稍不留神就偷偷的出了新规范,这些规范为项目方案提供了更多的可能性。话说读百遍不如写一遍,计划在一段时间内,对大部分API进行demo实践以加深印象。
> 以 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API 为基础,只实践W3C Recommendatio…
There are already a good number of resources/projects that could be useful as a starting point. Making use of existing code bases would save a good deal of time.
For reading and parsing MIDI files th…
This issue tracks the list of APIs in the Windows namespace (excluding Windows.UI.Xaml) that may be relevant to Uno. If you discover an API that is not included in the list, please leave a comment.
We are trying to use the play-1.js script on an desktop app that can be used offline. One of the difficulties we are facing has to do with the dynamic download of audio files for MIDI playback.
There are so many use cases which require projectMSDL to be controlled by external events, devices or a remote PC, that it makes sense to implement a remote control API. This API should be able to per…
Dart VM version: 2.0.0-dev.58.0 (Unknown timestamp) on "linux_x64"
(tried ddc but I believe dart2js does no work either)
The problem seems to go beyond promises:
void Ready(succ) {