Support reasonCode in Allowances and Charges.
See PR #432
Die Peppol Warnung `PEPPOL-EN16931-R040` hat keinen Fehlertext.
In der XSL für XRechung-UBL ist nur ein…
A PDF with an embedded XRechnung like this
is recognized as a valid Zugferd Document, but no Profile could …
I need to add shipping data for an intra-community supply. The function setDocumentShipToAddress() doesn't add the shipment data to the resulting invoice. Other shipment data functions also do not add…
I have a file named XRECHNUNG_Elektron.pdf as an example for a ZUGFeRD 2.2 invoice, which seems to be equivalent to [library/src/test/resources/XRECHNUNG_Elektron.ubl.xml](https://github.com/ZUGFeRD/m…
Hallo zusammen,
wir haben von unserem Partner die Vorgabe bekommen, dass wir die Lieferscheinnummer unter SupplyChainTradeTransaction.ApplicableHeaderTradeDelivery.DespatchAdviceReferencedDocument …
documentation for Zugferd 2.1 says that DefinedTradeContact is used in EN16931/Comfort.
If output profile XRechnung is used, then DefinedTradeContact is correctly written,
but if EN16931/Co…
Bei der Transformation mittels xr-pdf.xsl einer ZUGFeRD-Datei, welche mehrere `SpecifiedTradePaymentTerms` Knoten beinhaltet, kommt es zu einem Fehler mit folgender Ausgabe:
Matched BG-13
For X-Rechnung with payment method direct debit, the now mandatory field `BT-90` `CreditorReferenceID` is missing.
The current Validator rejects files without that field.
This is how it should look …
**How change AFRelationship**
My Datev Import fails, because my ZUGFerd-file contains "/AFRelationship /Data".
But Importer needs "/AFRelationship /Alternative"
**Screenshot Output Zugferd-PDF**…