This small code:
input = rand(Float32, 6, 6, 2, 1) |> gpu
output = nn(input) |> cpu
is slower and slower to compute on my computer. Namely, the full code:
using Flux, AMDGPU…
I have a production go-grpc server workload that does near-zero heap allocation in the request handler. As I dial up qps, p99 client response times line up with gc duration on the server. The alloc_sp…
using NNlib, Enzyme, Zygote
gelu_act(x) = sum(abs2, gelu.(x))
x = randn(Float32, 32, 32, 1, 32)
@btime Enzyme.gradient(Reverse, $gelu_act, $x); # 1.298 ms (65 allocations: 386.95 Ki…
An application reported this error on Aurora upon using `zeMallocHost` or `sycl::malloc_host`
Abort was called at 80 line in file:
### Steps to reproduce the problem
1. Prepare a ubuntu 22.04, 8GB mem server with domain already configured; Though, SMTP might have not be correctly configured.
2. Follow everything in the v4.2.9 d…
Currently `CachingSession::execute` takes `impl Into`, but internally it only ever uses functions/methods that take `&Query`.
I ran into this because I was trying to pool my service's allocations f…
We deal exclusively with owned database objects like `StoredGroup` or `StoredGroupMessage`. We can instead borrow it directly from what the SQLite library returns from the database, avoiding unnecessa…
This benchmark shows a possible improvement.
public class ModifierKeysConverterBenchmarks
private const char Modifier_Delimiter = '+';
Additional allocations were found in the callbacks in this build: https://buildkite.com/clima/climaatmos-ci/builds/10766#0188f5d4-9d79-4469-a5ed-e39286c5f014 when running at a higher sample rate.
When navigating to Watchlist and then back Portfolio, the extension does not re-render symphony rows or the combined allocations list. This also happens when switching accounts while staying on the sa…