Criar Link com AndroidStudio.
Tenemos que mirar qué es lo del vcs.xml que te dice de si quieres meterlo o no en el AndroidStudio, y que si al final lo metes, da conflicto cuando otro colaborador hace fetch.
Prj-Android直接导入AndroidStudio后,显示“Error configuring”,无法显示具体是哪里配置错误?以及需要做哪些配置?
`FragmentPagerAdapter(fm) ` is deprecated should use `FragmentPagerAdapter(fm,BEHAVIOR_RESUME_ONLY_CURRENT_FRAGMENT)` in com.google.androidstudio.motionlayoutexample.viewpagerdemo.ViewPagerAdapter.
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- [ ] Bug exists Release Version 1.1.1 (Java Repository Master Branch)
- [ ] Bug exists in Snapshot Version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT (Android Ser…
_From @christopher-stone on March 9, 2015 16:43_
User can synchronize their data with their Google account.
_Copied from original issue: wford7/AndroidStudio#10_
When trying to compile I got:
C:\home\dev\git\SFML_AndroidStudio\app\src\main\cpp\main.cpp:1:10: fatal error: 'SFML/System.hpp' file not found
Is this plugin still supported? I ask this, becuase there are some issues with AndroidStudio 3.6+ and this plugin and there are no answers from the developer...