Boa tarde,
Estou a utilizar o Archcraft XFCE 120124 e tenho bugs a reportar que são:
1. quando abro um ficheiro, ele não abre com o pacote flatpak,
2. quando removo/copio uma pasta, o Thunar fecha …
# Prerequisites
Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue.
- [x] I am using the [latest version](https://githu…
My configuration:
- archcraft 2022.06.08
- Intel I5-3570
- Nvidia gt 630 1 gb
Bootable usb created by dd.
# Description
When I booting to live usb, I have error:
I purchased the Hyprland configuration which does not load the desktop.
I originally thought it was a screen resolution issue but it is not.
I get the following error in the swaylock.log
I am learning linux os.I was testing neovim .While installing meson ,I found error
The same as i create issue at
[Archcraft / Issue / [#8](https://github.com/archcraft-os/archcraft-openbox/issues/8)]
#### Expected behaviour
**I know macOS is a WIP, just making sure this is expected actually or if I need to do some kind of work around. Version and hardware at the bottom of this post.**
## This issue is a....
[x] Bug
[ ] Other kind of issue (Please describe in detail)
## Current Behavior
The command i3lock-color is not found.
## Expected Behavior
The command i3l…
# Detailed Description
Recently when opening the alacritty terminal, a warning message has appeared about migrating current YAML config files to TOML. Alacritty has provided a tool to convert your …
Ever since some updates ago (< 1month ago), for some reason, every time I'm using either Kdenlive or Inkscape (or maybe GIMP), when I press the mod key (windows key on my keyboard), I get this black s…
psygo updated
11 months ago