When a user scans a new QR code, and a new contact is automatically added, display a "Added to Contacts" [notice](https://xd.adobe.com/view/3db881d4-e963-42ec-a2c4-6b5ca23862a3-68eb/screen/a523d262-25…
Device: iPhone 7 with iOS 15.6
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Obtain a credential from the [demo app](https://bc-wallet-demo.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/)
2) Go to the credential details
3) Select the …
We need to have the official OS and device requirements for iOS and Android, for the M2 launch.
They need to be written in a comms-friendly way for web pages and so forth, so in a way that a member o…
I am using the Aries React Native Mobile Agent. I am having this peculiar issue which I did not have previously. When I received a credential from an agent, the credential is not being shown to…
Device: iPhone 7 with iOS 15.6
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Access the [Demo app](https://bc-wallet-demo-law-dev.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/) as Lawyer
2) Follow the steps and go through "Login To Court …
Hello, first I would like to know if there is any document / video of the project execution, demonstrating how to execute, establish a connection and receive credentials using the test networks indica…
If the wallet cannot communicate with the mediator they they first try to establish a connection the app will crash due to an unhandled promise. It should be caught and dealt with appropriately.
i have an error when i run in android.
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Settings file '/Users/jonathan/Documents/…
Based on the awesome suggestions provided in my previous issues, I have been able to transform the Faber-Alice part of the demo into web services where Alice uses the Aries Mobile Agent React N…
When testing scanning invitation code in iphone, I got this error:
DEBUG: Sending outbound message to service with id 08e1e257-f5f2-44d7-b851-97cb70f32cc2-invitation failed with the follo…