## Expected Behavior
Modules should be as it is after iotedge restart
## Current Behavior
Module containers are getting recreated if iotedge service restarts
## Steps to Reproduce
Provide a…
### Expected Behavior
The azure-amqp-common-go `cbs.NegotiateClaim` call successfully negotiates the CBS claim when connecting to an Azure IoT Hub.
### Actual Behavior
With some of our hubs t…
I'm trying to use the predictive maintenance data generator "https://github.com/Azure/AI-PredictiveMaintenance/tree/master/src/WebApp/App_Data/jobs/continuous/Simulator"
as a module in Azure I…
Does the IotHub module support store forward pattern where messages is saved if no connection can be made to the Azure IoT Hub or Event Hub?
janfl updated
7 years ago
## Expected Behavior
When using the URI mcr.microsoft.com/azureiotedge-hub:1.1, I can set the AuthenticationMode to Cloud with no issue.
When I use mcr.microsoft.com/azureiotedge-hub:1.2, I get …
ksaye updated
2 years ago
Hi, I upgraded DeviceClient to 1.18.0 with all its dependencies and now I am getting following IllegalArgumentException while creating DeviceClient, if I keep the DeviceClient version 1.16.0, I don't …
Hi @alexmurray
I have a Dell 3001 gateway running Ubuntu Core. I'm trying to use this snap to provision a device to Azure IoT Hub using the Device Provisioning Service.
Can you please walk me thr…
when checking resource usage in edge device (e.g. memory usage) locally I see different memory usage to what is shown in IoT edge workbook device details
## Expected Behavior
memory usage figure…
my device is in internal network, and only through internal protocol gateway to access iot hub. every device has X509Certificate2 , how can i pass this X509Certificate2 to gateway ,then gateway act a…
I want to monitor event for central as I do for IotHub. the doc say use az iot central app monitor-events. But the central commands looks to be missing? Bug or I miss something here?
#### Docume…