Via email:https://support.andbible.org/scp/tickets.php?id=658#note
> Shalom! Tuli tällanen idea ku tässä and bibleä käytin; voisko siellä mistä näkee Raamatum kirjat ja kirjeet järjestykses, olla v…
-Include a command to display a bible verse in the server using html graphics
-Automate this so that it posts once a day (only after the bot is hosted somewhere)
- brand colors for website for tailwind
- font
- logos
- social media needs ?
Lorsque l'on ouvre la bible, il arrive parfois que l'on ai une espèce de voile blanc bizarre qui se met par dessus la page, ce qui empêche d'interragir avec.
We need to be able to detect cropmarks and ignore them in either/both of the PDFs when comparing so that it doesn't trip up on changes beyond the edge of the page.
Similarly, there needs to be a way …
- Files not available.
- Files not available.
- [x] Take html files from [thevachanonlineproject repo](https://github.com/binu-alexander/thevachanonlineproject/tree/master/app/content/texts).
- [x] Convert to usfm using python script
- [x] Pars…
- Files downloaded from ebible.org.
- Incorrect tags.
- Files downloaded from ebible.org
- Incorrect tags