Is this expected? Any tips on how to obtain a smaller bundle?
Obviously our webpack…
Ini ngga pake bundler disengaja apa gimana? Soalnya menurutku lebih enak pake bundler biar bisa pake syntax modern sama minimize size bundlenya. Kalo emang sengaja ga pake bundler sih gapapa.
Kalo …
### **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
The current bundle of the package is really big so it would be interesting to find ways to reduce it.
### **Describe the so…
I realize that highlight.js has a very large bundle but I suggest passing an array prop to define the languages they want to import. My highlight.js currently takes up 539kb parsed size and 188kb gzip…
One of the users mentioned, that the desired size of the whole package is 20 megabytes maximum.
Currently our size is 60 megabytes.
User feedback.
Having `import Web3Quorum from "web3js-quorum";` increases bundle size by a lot.
In my project, before importing it, bundle size was `396.68 KiB / gzip: 115.09 KiB`.
After importing it, bundle siz…
I was wondering that the alerts seem to take such a large part in the generated bundle of my project. I looked through the source but it looked very clean for me, despite there are some unused package…
Also, re-introduce anyComponentStyle budget of 10kB (currently 150kB).
### Problem
+ First Load JS shared by all 263 kB //