**Snakemake version**
**Describe the bug**
When using a storage plugin e.g. `snakemake-storage-plugin-xrootd` the user can provide a username/password or encode an authentication token in …
RelVals `511.0`, `535.0`, `537.0`, `538.0` and `539.0` failed with segmentation fault in [CMSSW_14_1_CLANG_X_2024-07-18-2300](https://cmssdt.cern.ch/SDT/html/cmssdt-ib/#/relVal/CMSSW_14_1/20…
Full log: [link](https://cmssdt.cern.ch/SDT/cgi-bin/logreader/el8_aarch64_gcc12/CMSSW_14_1_ROOT6_X_2024-08-08-2300/pyRelValMatrixLogs/run/12846.0_ZEE_14+2024/step3_ZEE_14+2024.log#/1402-1402)
### Description
There's a change in the FTS REST API starting with 3.13 :
The current code still uses `spacetoken` and wo…
My issue is about trying to debug inequality constraints incompatible errors that are not reproducible on all machines (so far, reproducible on CC7, ubuntu - but not Mac or SLC6?). I can't find a simp…
Dear developers,
At first I was really happy to discover that this kind of work has been done and I was eager to try it out for our site.
Unfortunately I could not find any documentation for this mo…
Follow along with details here: https://confluence.cern.ch/display/atglance/Analysis+and+documents+API+improvements
I saw you'd published the .brd file for the 256 https://github.com/milkv-duo/duo-files/tree/main/duo-256M/hardware/Reference%20Design_SCH%26PCB
What licence is that available under please? Are you …
samuk updated
1 month ago
Here is three different outputs using testbed instance:
scurl "https://cmsweb-testbed.cern.ch:8443/dbs/int/global/DBSReader/filesummaries/?dataset=/ParkingBPH1/Run2018D-05May2019promptD-v1/AOD"
For UBSAN relvals, we do see runtime errors like [a]. This was [fixed for root 6.32](https://github.com/root-project/root/pull/14135) and above. Is this a change which we should get in root 6.30 used …