I started using cJSON for an ESP32 project I'm working on, because it is included by default in Espressif's v3.3 of the ESP-IDF. Unfortunately, the version they have is a bit (3 months) out of …
In case you want to deal with integer numbers, cJSON_CreateNumber seems to be wasteful.
There's an int to double cast that just shouldn't be there; not to mention potential problems with floating …
Hi there!
Original lua-cjson library seems to be abandoned by @mpx (he has no activity for more that year and all PRs are ignored), and the one in @openresty fork has no Lua5.2/5.3 compatibilty too (a…
location /echo1 {
content_by_lua '
local tb = {y=123,b=234,c=456}
local cjson = require "cjson"
local out = cjson.en…
Hi @DaveGamble! Thank you for your effort to provide this library, I'm using it in order to implement a Telegram bot written in C and I really enjoyed its simplicity, it works great :)
Since I'm no…
After coldbooting the printer, the pi, and ODC, a segmentation fault appears on
132 user = cJSON_GetArrayItem(cJSON_GetArrayItem(job_json, 0), 5)->valuestring;
Probably due to all …
Hi, which method should I use to validate a string before parsing it with `cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(&data[0]);`. I am experiencing crashes when the data is not correct after calling `root->type==cJS…
Don't believe it but finally, Visual Studio 14 defines snprintf()!
It restricts redefinition, this is added in stdio.h:
#ifdef snprintf
#error: Macro definition of snprintf conflicts with St…
I encounter an issue when I try to print JSON string with the cJSON_PrintUnformatted function.
In the sub function print_number(), i saw that "number_buffer" was filled with 5.30498947741318e-315 w…
temp0 = cJSON_GetObjectItem(server_next, "value");
if (temp0 != NULL && ngx_strlen(temp0->valuestring) != 0) {
cJSON *sub_attribute = cJSON_Parse((char *)temp0->valuest…