Application Version: FDS+Evac 2.4.1
SVN Revision Number: 8625
Compile Date:
Operating System: Windows 7, 64bit
Dear Timo,
what does the message "find direction error 84 31 32 door23_1" mean (dur…
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Application Version:5.5.3 serial
SVN Revision Number:7031
Compile Date:fri, 29 OCt 2010
Operating System:Windows 2010
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Application Version:FDS 5.5.0
SVN Revision Number:6004
Compile Date:5 April 2010
Operating System:Windows XP 2002 service pack 3
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FDS Version: 6.0.1
SVN Revision Number:17534
Compile Date: 26 november 2013
Smokeview Version/Revision: 6.1.5
Operating System: Windows 7
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FDS Version: 6
SVN Revision Number: 14948
Compile Date: March 4, 2013 ?
Smokeview Version/Revision:
Operating System:
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6.4.5 Special Topic : Initializing a 3…
Probably a futile immediate request... but something to file away for the future.
Similar to how you can define points and curves as abstract geometry (XYZ, Line, etc), will it be possible to define…
Is there a way to make Point/Plane/CoordinateSystem AtParameter or AtDistance for Polycurves? It seems that the methods for curves are not working for polycurves and there is not equivalent "action" …
I haven't managed to fix an issue with sunspot, where I can't index objects with accented characters in their content.
I'm using sunspot 1.3.1, sunspot-rails 1.3.1, sunspot-solr 2.0.0pre (to get…
jure updated
10 years ago
One more thing to point out about using Java is you can use GeoTools to load data from PostGIS. Loading from PostGIS I believe is one of the requirements for this project. Of course in C you can use…
Take any 2D child object and loft it to the specified point off of the horizontal plane. This solid is guaranteed to be manifold, even for 2D objects with holes…