There are several imprecise terms (e.g. ballot). As we come up with names for these in our specifications we should create a glossary defining them in english
Today I looked over my Coq files from last year, and Coq has some tactics which are quite convenient, and probably not too hard to implement given what we already have. Here are the ones I consider mo…
Hello F\* team! I'm interested in learning F\* and I had some questions about the language. Not being sure where to post these (perhaps that could be considered one of my questions), I figured I would…
For something I'm currently trying to formalize, I need some very basic group theory (specifically, [Lagrange's theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange%27s_theorem_%28group_theory%29)). I cou…
It seems to me that the ssrefelect stuff is not working, and nobody is really going to fix it. Also, I would not want ssreflect to be used in the HoTT library. Should we just get rid of ssreflect?
I'm in favor of moving to using unicode notations primarily, and including a file/module that replaces them with ASCII notations in display. What do others think?
This morning Soonho and I found an annoying behavior in sections.
In the current implementation, when we type
parameter A : Type
definition id (a : A) := a
... and that's mathematically strange and can cause confusion.
However, it might be sort of convenient if it would check at least that the two categories have the same morphisms, the same identity ar…
The proof of the second half of theorem 2.11.1 seems to need f to be a half adjoint equivalence, not just equipped with a quasi-inverse. At least, I don't see how to do without it right now, and it's…
The library seems to be growing, which is fine, but I tihnk it is a good idea to stop every once in a while and do two things:
1. Clean up (we have 32 outstanding issues).
2. Look at how the library i…