Been running the development branch for a few days, so I can use the new Essential Values feature for pushing data to weather underground. System had a crash. Here are all the debug logs, in case th…
Apologies in advance for the lengthy, log filled post!
Using weewx (either the latest release or the latest dev version 3.9.0a5) and interceptor driver version 0.45 my Tycon TP3000WC in either obse…
Hello I allways get this error!What value its wrong, I try with other versions too
Jan 6 17:42:55 raspberrypi weewx[24314]: cheetahgenerator: Generated 4 files for report Highcharts_Belcher…
Thanks for great work.
I have problem with my WS. WS is type WS2900.
My WS have IP address My Raspberry-pi where is weewx have IP
I set address redirection from W…
Because CWOP timestamps incoming records with the wall clock time, any catchup will result in a bunch of older records looking like new records.
Either change `stale` to something smaller, maybe 60 s…
I have weewx (3.8.0) running with **weewx-sdr**, rtl-sdr, and rtl_433. rtl_433 is reading a stream from an AcuRite 5n1 sensor (model 02032C). After some tinkering, I have a clean feed coming in…
Hi, I've read all the documentation I can find but I'm struggling to create a config file which can support the cwops cwt. I wonder if this could be added as a built in feature? It would be a great co…
I have this installed - but not seeing an influxDB created as specified in the weewx.conf and thus no data is logged. Not really sure how to troubleshoot as WeeWX isn't reporting any errors (log…
I am using version 3.7.1 with a TFA "METEOTIME DUO" (te923 nexus driver) on a debian stretch installed on a Rasperry Pi3 (self built image that I can share if anybody is interested)
I have read …
I need a better way to handle the Station IDs and station.html display of associated weather networks. Probably the best way will be to create a section in the skin.conf to handle this instead of usin…