Claymore Explosive
Dart Trap (possibly showing a trigger and arrows/darts)
Grenade Trap (possibly showing a trigger and either a grenade or bomb)
Simple steps. There is a large amount of data in netCDF4 format adapted for downloading to Darts:
# Reading:
with xr.open_dataarray(str(data_file), engine='netcdf4', format='NETCDF4', mod…
The darts from dart & super dart traps do not damage the player, but still inflict poison with the boots equipped
Specifically on the Gill trousers, there are thresholds where the dart opening exceeds 4cm, then we really should have two darts instead of just one so we would need to add this switch in the code.
Since the area of a Gaussian is sqrt(pi) _(or sqrt(pi)/2 if from 0 to infinity)_ you can redo the standard "dart" challenge but instead of checking if they are within a circle, you check for random (x…
- コペルニクス https://github.com/Ratescale/plateau_darts/blob/main/Copernicuscrater3Xv.zip
- コペルニクス情報 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copernicus_(lunar_crater)
### テクスチャ
if you wanna build a DA Trie with thousands of nodes, there may cause errors.
Conformal predictions could be a valuable addition to darts.
It would require some brain storming/planning of how (or if) we can integrate this into our API / extend the API.
Some links:
- htt…
Thank you for sharing this beautiful code! I use the default DARTS_V2 architecture with appriximately 3.3M parameters to train CIFAR10 dataset. However, I found that it requires about 24h to train 600…
This line `size_t loop_count(0), outer_loop_count(0);` in `MPS_Spoke.cpp` file cau…