I have just finished SHAP chapter, and decided to dig deeper in the method. In the original paper and library, I found some model specific method such as gradient, DeepLIFT and its combination with SH…
I am trying to use shap to interpret genomic deep learning model in PyTorch. The input tensors to shap are three dimensional and have shapes like torch.Size([100, 4, 2000]) for the background and
Does anyone of you know how to solve it?
## 🐛 Bug
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\captum\insights\attr_vis\attribution_calculation.py in calculate_attribution(self, baselines, data, additional_forward_args, label, attribution_method_name, a…
Evaluate the PatternNet and PatternAttribution methods based on the evaluation criteria from issue #9 and fill in the results in the table created in issue #23.
- [Paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1705…
Be able to create, read, update, and delete information stored within the database.
User Endpoints:
- createUser
- getAllUsers
- getOneUser
- updateUserInfo
- removeUser
Workout Endpoints:
Hi, I'm currently using Captum in my Pytorch code to make my models more "explainable". Does Monai have any built-in functions such as DeepLift? If not, is there any such functionality on the roadmap?
Thank you for the amazing work! I need help as I'm struggling with getting a simple multi-label classification example running. Particularly, setting the `target` for the `attribute` functio…
I've been attempting to use deeplift to interpret a CNN that predicts regulatory activity from sequence. My CNN architecture contains a sigmoid activation in an intermediate layer (not the outp…
I want you use `LayerDeepLift` instead of `LayerIntegratedGradients` in your BERT tutorial. If I understand correctly, when it computes the attributions, I should pass the same parameters, but …