in swarm mode the use of a private docker registry causes a deployment error
Mup version (`mup --version`): 1.5.1
Output of command
Started TaskList: Pushing Meteor App
### Description
This is still an issue https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/9843 Something updates the ~/.docker/config.json file to have a credStore property. When that property is in place, I…
Hi, I have problem starting _ufw-docker-agent_ service in swarm mode on Debian 12 bookworm.
# docker logs -f ufw-docker-agent.i0spp3mykizu77bimo65xwr02.vm1271int13yib48zdufmfydn
iptables v1.8…
Following on from conversations with [pwalsh](https://github.com/pwalsh) I will investigate how using Docker secrets (while **not** in Docker Swarm mode) give's any advantage over the PR: https://git…
Current Docker Swarm Mode (1.12.2-rc1) supports DNS lookups for `service` which resolves the VIP and `tasks.service` which resolves all direct containers IPs in the service. I'm using a MariaDb Galera…
kubernetes version:v1.23.16
# nvidia-docker info
Client: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 24.0.2
Context: default
Debug Mode: false
buildx: Docker Buildx (Docker Inc.)
### Description
Using build --platform linux/amd64 --push vs build --platform linux/amd64 & push --platform linux/amd64 yield different results when build from arm64 based system. It seems like the -…
An umbrella issue to empty my mind of RabbitMQ configuration issues:
1. Run under Docker or bare metal?
2. RabbitMQ can block producers when disk space is low: https://www.rabbitmq.com/disk-alarms…
### Description
On Docker Desktop 4.35.1, my team cannot run our Oracle database (FREE 23ai) container successfully.
Docker Desktop 4.34.3, does run the container successfully, but we are being ask…
### Describe the bug
Hi ,
my signature is duplicated in almost any conversation (email). The weird thing is, that the duplicated one is kind of cut off. The last link renders like:
`[Wir schneid…