At middle and end of the round when few bots left, certain bot starts spamming "Follow me" (and possibly others) radio message every N seconds over and over again, mostly during camping, with some pau…
title -- it's just not showing up. not sure if this is a server-specific thing, as i've only played dodgeball on armstrong recently and that's where i'm seeing this issue.
not sure if this just hap…
- Operating System: osx
- Cypress Version: 2.0.2
- Browser Version: Canary 66
### Is this a Feature or Bug?
### Current behavior:
If an error is raised in the before hook for tests, Cypr…
When 2 player join server auto crash server
SM 1.9 6266
based on last year's blog post-http://ncopenpass.com/blog/friday-september-23-unconference-schedule-the-grid/
I got 14 kills in a round in dodgeball on Armstrong but the server got a really bad lag spike right before the round ended (but didn't crash) and I didn't get the badge. The lag spikes continued for a…
Happened in Raiden on 14th Feb 21:12 GMT time
- [ ] 1. Rocket Dodgeball: http://devinity.org/threads/rocket-dodgeball.2065/
- [ ] 2. Boss Mode: http://devinity.org/threads/boss-mode.2997/
- [ ] 3. Bonus Round: http://devinity.org/threads/bonus-ro…
Here are the current bugs I have:
Dodgeball LR isn't working - the health changes to 1hp and doesn't give a flash
Gun toss - When both guns are thrown, it shows the distance, but doesn't alert w…
i dont have a screencap of it on me at the moment, but basically, the strange counter for minutes played shows up as kills. it still tracks minutes, but it's only a visual thing.
edit: will update …