The following file :
vendor/dotmailer/dotmailer-magento2-extension-enterprise/etc/adminhtml/system.xml at line 5
has an incorect tab declartion:
This is causing magento t…
I am getting this error when running on PHP 7.0.2.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, false);
This function does not supports…
### Preconditions
1. Magento "magento/project-enterprise-edition" 2.3
### Steps to reproduce
1. Install Magento 2.3 with all modules except that ones which are defined in composer:
I am using dotmailer-magento2-extension to subscribe contacts to an address book with their marketing preferences using bulk update like this:
As a registered customer, when trying to access your cart from an abandoned cart email, after being directed to the login page, rather than going to your cart, you are instead redirected to the custom…
For fortnightly testing we need researchers to test iterations to works pages.
Current method:
Using our library members
- [x] write screener to find people that use our material rather than just…
## This issue is a:
[ ] Bug on the website
[x] New topic request
[ ] Topic clarification request
[ ] New DevDocs feature request
[ ] Other
Hi guys
It would be tremendously useful to ha…
Hi there,
I didn't find 2.6.x versions despite on I have in Magento 2.2.5:
$ composer show | grep dotma
dotmailer/dotmailer-magento2-extension 2.6.0
Actually, I got a b…
I believe i had a support ticket with dotmailer previously about this issue.
Just pulled the latest release from the repo.
### Preconditions (*)
1. Magento 2.2.8 or 2.3+
### Steps to reproduce (*)
1. Install vanilla magento
2. Setup valid store email address
3. Create a new email template. Name : "Newsletter Succes…