The use of [block_in_place](https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/task/fn.block_in_place.html) can be problematic as it is not allowed to be ran inside a single threaded runtime or inside a [LocalSet](ht…
Title: DAOrayaki | Web3 competitive advantage: Winning in open and decentralized ecosystems
Type: Translation & Review
Deadline: 6/5/2022
Committee Decision: 6/6/2022-6/8/2022
# Idea for Integrating Dune & Kaito Yaps
## Potential Steps to Integrate:
1. The Agent learns about currently trending chains, ecosystems and protocols through CT discussions.
2. The Agent ut…
Indeed it is [documented in the README](https://github.com/github/advisory-database/blob/main/README.md#supported-ecosystems
) that contributions are not accepted for advisories outside the supported…
## Review checklist
Reviewers, please go though the checklist below and tick the boxes that are fulfilled.
If one check is not fulfilled, or requires some more discussion, press the *target* sign…
### Name of the project
Wormhole and Axelar
### Project type
### Site of the project
wormhole.com / axelar.network
### Github repository of the project
`dependabot` itself is [not accepting support for new ecosystems](https://github.com/dependabot/dependabot-core#contributing-to-dependabot), but they suggest that forking [`dependabot-script`](https:/…
**What would you like to be added**:
I'd like the data sources of grype to be at least inclusive of the ecosystems in osv.dev. I'm happy to contribute support for these, but I don't believe the code …
**What would you like to be added**:
Add code for 'downloadlocation' for other ecosystems.
**Why is this needed**:
Right now, only NPM(JavaScript) and Apk(Alpine) are supported for download loc…
It would be nice also to have a git tag for the latest release to easily maintain this package in the other ecosystems.