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Check closed issues as well, because your issue may have already been fixed.
Getting the above message when trying to open app from Hiroku to complete the setup process. I think it may be due to Yahoo not allowing 'HEROKU-APP-NAME'.herokuapp.com as the redirect URI due to it b…
When attempting to configure a private Slack App, I'm running into issues with `team.bot.user_id` being undefined? Is this a configuration issue with Slack Apps? The `team` object I get back in that a…
I'm trying to set my cookies to be able to see my private league data on my webpage, but when I call `BaseAPIObject.setCookies({espnS2: 'xxxxxx', SWID: '{xxxxx}'})` and then `league.read()` I get the …
Edit by Dandelion Sprout 25th of February 2020: GitHub spectacularly failed to tell me that there was a comment limit of 2,500 comments in issue threads?! So now it seems that discussion has been forc…
Not able to get middleware to be loaded. It is a basic scaffold of loopback 3 api app and does not appear to be hitting the middleware.js file at all:
**Jackett version**: v0.11.375
**Mono version**:
2019-05-25 16:54:40.4943 Error Error on 20190525165440 for MoreThanTV.txtSystem.Exception: We ex…
**A *very* common question throughout all nfl* projects is, "why can't i see the next seasons schedule??".**
A way to eliminate this is to just have nflgame provide the latest schedule given a fl…
Using the maven central javalite-common version 2.2
Code such as:
`Get get = Http.get(url).redirect(true);`
does not actually follow the 301 redirect via the Location header.
***Site***: http://www.espn.com/fantasy/football/story/_/id/20323005/ultimate-fantasy-football-draft-board-does-perfect-draft-look-like
***Description***: Share button.